During this pandemic of Chinese/Corona Virus I have listened to my Beloved Supreme Leader Governor continually base all his edicts on “science and the data.” So I’ll do the same with gender in hopes of introducing some logic. The science and data are in: DNA, Genes, Chromosomes. And Chromosomes are divided into X’s and Y’s. Every cell in our body carries two chromosomes that are each either X or Y. Meaning we can be XX or XY in every cell and there is nothing we can do to swap out an X for a Y or a Y for an X. Now if your cells are XX you are called female and you can conceive and birth children. If your[…]

In the city of Seattle a terrorist mob has decided to secede from the Union. They have seized private lands and government facilities and walled off their territory. They have even instituted checkpoints. The Beloved Supreme Leader Governor and his faithful underling and minion the Mayor have proven impotent and incapable of dealing with this armed insurrection (there are pictures of armed vigilantes patrolling the streets). The Communist City Council (Commie because they support the seizing of and destruction of private property) supports the secession. Remaining US citizens are growing fearful. Chaos reigns in CHOP or CHAZ. Enough. If the local “authorities” are incapable then it is time for the Federal Government to step in. We need to take back[…]

When I was a kid my parents often told me “Don’t be hanging around that group – they’ll get you in trouble. Whatever one of them does will make you just as guilty.” I said the same thing to my kids and now I say the same thing to my grandkids. It was and is good advice. Choose your friends wisely. So I sat here and watched on TV as riots broke out in cities all over the country. I watched people get beaten and shot, cops injured, property destroyed and vandalized. I even was amazed at the brazen looting of stores and businesses . All in the name of stopping “racism.” Then I listened as politicians and TV pundits[…]

Congratulations to our “elected” officials, the government bureaucrats, the media, and our medical community. They have seized power, improved reelection opportunities, raised their ratings, and increased their celebrity. They did all this by instilling fear in America.  We were told we had to “flatten the curve.” Done. We were told we didn’t have enough ventilators. We now have so many we are sending them to other countries. We were told we didn’t have enough PPE. We now have plenty (just watch the advertisements on TV). We were told we didn’t have enough hospital capacity. We built hospitals and moved hospital ships that were never used.  Americans, succumbing to the “science and data” argument, have relinquished their very cherished values, liberties, and freedoms. Those liberties were won by good Americans giving their very lives (of course the Boy Scouts were not allowed to put flags on the[…]

Congratulations to our “elected” officials, the government bureaucrats, the media, and our medical community. They have seized power, improved reelection opportunities, raised their ratings, and increased their celebrity. They did all this by instilling fear in America. We were told we had to “flatten the curve.” Done. We were told we didn’t have enough ventilators. We now have so many we are sending them to other countries. We were told we didn’t have enough PPE. We now have plenty (just watch the advertisements on TV). We were told we didn’t have enough hospital capacity. We built hospitals and moved hospital ships that were never used. Americans, succumbing to the “science and data” argument, have relinquished their very cherished values, liberties,[…]

So, if I was a 35 year old husband and father of two young kids and my wife and I had just lost our jobs due to this Corona/Chinese virus pandemic what do you think I would be thinking? I mean, I sit at home because my Beloved Supreme Leader Governor has ordered everything closed and I watch the pundits, media, and doctors on TV all saying we’re all going to die. But all these experts tiptoe around the real question: What are the chances of me or a one of my family getting the virus and dying? I learned a long time ago you don’t trust politicians. They want power and influence and to win the next election. The[…]

When this Covid/Chinese virus hit we thought we had never seen anything like it – and many of us got scared. Our “elected” political leaders immediately seized upon this fear. A little history: Spanish Flu, 1919: 675,000 American deaths, .7% of the population; survivors 99.3% shut down – NO. Asian Flu, 1958: 116,000 American deaths, .07% of the population; survivors 99.93%; shut down – NO. H1N1 Flu, 2009: 18,000 American deaths, .006% of the population; survivors 99.994%; shut down – NO. Flu Season 2018: 50,000 American deaths, .016% of the population; survivors 99.84%; shut down – NO. Covid/Chinese Virus: OK, Let’s assume 120,000 deaths. Don’t misunderstand – this is tragic and our hearts reach out to those affected and their[…]