I have been thinking about this new Federal Holiday for a few weeks. My conclusion: Biden blew it.

Now don’t get the dander up. I fully support a Federal Holiday that celebrates the end of slavery in the US. Terrible time with inhuman bondage. But Juneteenth is divisive or at the very least not inclusive.

I was born in Michigan, grew up in California, and went to college in New York. I have lived in Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Kansas, and Washington State. I have worked extensively in Texas and Arizona. My wife was born in New Jersey. And I have never heard of Juneteenth. I have heard of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution and its ratification in December 1865 which formally made Slavery illegal. And I would argue that the ratification of the 13th Amendment is the true ending of Slavery.

First a history timeline. In January of 1863 Lincoln publishes the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in the Confederate States (of which Texas was one). The word spread like wildfire among the slaves everywhere except Texas? Slavery was still legal in other states like Maryland. In April 1865 Lee surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia to Grant and the word spreads like wildfire everywhere except Texas? In May 1865 the battle of Palmito Ranch takes place in Texas. Many consider this the final large battle of the Civil War. The 62nd Regiment of the US Colored Troops of the Union or Federal Army fought in that battle. This means there were African American soldiers in Texas and the slaves in Texas did not know? And the 13th Amendment is ratified in December 1865.

Juneteenth means little to states like New York, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Maine, etc. States whose ancestors fought and died to end slavery. Juneteenth rightfully belongs to Texas where it is already celebrated. But how is it important to other states? How can you argue that Granger’s proclamation in Galveston ended slavery when it did not? Biden blew it – or are we buying votes?

I’m an old guy and I don’t get it……..