Reparations for Black Americans
This is a topic that completely baffles me. But I am old so that is pretty easy.
Part of my problem is history. The “importing” of African slaves, captured and sold by Black Africans, became illegal in 1808. The Civil War went from 1861 to 1865. Hundreds of thousands of Union soldiers died to preserve the Union and end slavery. The Underground Railroad could not have succeeded without “white” folks helping. The 13th Amendment was passed just after the end of the Civil War which made slavery illegal. The 1960’s began the end of “Jim Crow” under the passing of equal rights, voting rights, equal opportunity, and laws forbidding discrimination based on race for things like loans, housing, and jobs. I won’t even mention Affirmative Action wherein Black Americans were provided preference in education and jobs. And my family all hail from “free” states.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D) is quoted as saying this is a “time of reckoning.” Really? What is my reckoning? I am innocent. I never owned a slave. My Grandfather, Great Grandfather, my Great Great Great Grandfather never owned a slave. Ayanna, I don’t owe a reckoning. And you ain’t big enough to give me one. My last spanking was 60 years ago.
It gets worse. Rep. Joyce Beatty (D) (Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus) says we have to “compensate for decades of unpaid labor.” Really? Those folks who were not compensated are all dead. Some kid today can’t be compensated for labor performed by his or her great great great grandfather. BTW: there are 8 million jobs unfilled. Joyce also says that money is due for the “decades of subjugation” under “Jim Crow laws.” Really? Show me a black American who lived under Jim Crow after 1975. Those laws are all dead. Denying loans or jobs based on skin color is now illegal. Joyce also says “reparations can help level the playing field” and “help lay the groundwork for a brighter tomorrow for future generations of Black Generations.” Really? Or is this a requirement to pay Black Americans forever? Regardless of whether they work. How does providing payments to people provide a brighter tomorrow? Generations on Welfare?
This all sounds to me like another handout to a group of people. Tax dollars to people that have not earned it. Can you say a free handout for votes? Look, our country’s history has blemishes. Just ask the Chinese Americans, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, and Polish Americans to name a few. But they don’t want handouts.
I am not guilty. Why should I pay? Where is personal responsibility? School? Training? Family?
I am an old guy and I don’t get it…….